Wednesday, May 18, 2011

semester two o one one.

today is crap. its days like these that brings one down, you know? being sad and moody for completely no reason? maybe there are reasons, but you just choose not to believe it and you push it to the back of your mind. its days like these that makes you feel all down and sad like you're worth nothing. i feel like this today. i dont know why either, i just feel sad for completely no reason. like everything feels like crap and everything i see is crap. everything except for figure studies 2. 


I will not elaborate on that because kids under 18 must and shouldn't know :)

as many of you, or some of you know, i've already started my second semester and so far its quite awesome, and the lecturers are so far awesome too. classmates are still as awesome as ever. food and pyramid not so awesome anymore. i go there so much that its starting to feel like fajar to me. (people back in my hometown will know what fajar is, or should i call it the store now) anyway, it is only the second week of sem two for me and im waiting to see what will happen in the weeks to come! it is still awesome tho the work load kills!

andddd, the new intake has joined us in our awesome one academy! WELCOME TO ALL MAY INTAKE STUDENTS. you know what the most awesome thing is being a senior and choosing to enter in january and only having two weeks break after spm? MONEY. yes, oh yes, money. a few of us got paid for taking the new intake students to sunway lagoon and be part of the students helper. enjoying yourself while getting paid for it? isn't that just SUPER DUPER AWESOME? HELL YEAH. we got paid rm30 just for it, and we enjoyed ourself too. all is fair. 

to the may intake students, when you feel like giving up, do not worry, do not doubt yourself or look down on yourself, if you set your mind to it, you can do it for sure. do not feel insecure of your work for everyone's work and level is different. just do your best. 

it is not just about talent, it is also about how hard you'll work. 

all the best to you, may intake students. 

unrelated topic ;


its coming out people! get ready your money, get in line and buy! it is worth every penny i tell you! it's so awesome you'll cry!


ivanlooziwei said...

I'm 17. but i think i know more :p

JeNaik ; said...

hahaha maybe you do la :P